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Online education platform for medical staff and students


  • edTech
  • healthcare


EdTech platform, presentation website,
mobile application

Development period


Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

About Client

German company KARL STORZ is one of the biggest endoscopes and medical equipment manufacturer for medical and veterinary purposes in the world. In the 1950s, the company was among the first who produced endoscopes. Nowadays, it’s a large corporation with affiliates in more than 40 countries all over the globe.

In the early 2000s, KARL STORZ opened a Ukraine branch and began providing its systems to our country. One of the Ukraine branch directions was education: A training center was established in Kyiv in order to perform educational events for medics and display the company’s products.

The task

Develop a digital complex for a medical equipment brand, which included:

  1. Presentation website for the educational center
  2. An online platform for broadcasting medical events
  3. Design of a mobile app for a service center.

Initially,  KARL STORZ applied to Goodface for the training center’s presentation website development

The Center hosts events for doctors and each event needs promotion. The key source of promotion is the Internet, by means of buying tickets on landing websites. Previously, the client’s team had to create a new landing page in the Tilda website constructor. Creating every single page almost every time started from scratch and could last up to 3 days.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -
Maksym YakubovychCEO Goodface, Head of the project
«Single landing website approach may work fine while there are not many events. But it definitely mismatches systematic operation, as you have to start all over again. Moreover, there was no unified design and content approach, which caused no association with the brand to event participants».

Our main goal in the KARL STORZ task was to create a solution to simplify and accelerate event creation of any scale from small online lectures to full-sided offline seminars for 1000 people.

One particular section was dedicated to a new training center, which was only planned to be opened by that moment.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

Development process

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

Presentation website


Working on the project we started with analyzing other KARL STORZ branches’ websites, along with websites of competitors in Ukraine and worldwide. The questions we were trying to find answers for were:

  • What sections must the website contain?
  • What types of events exist?
  • What are their points and differences?
  • What kind of parameters could the event have?
  • How do participants usually buy their tickets?
  • What are the peculiarities of free events?


When it became clear that the goal is to create not just a presentation website but a full complex infrastructure with a several functions, we realized that reevaluation of the task and the project itself is inevitable. This complicated system needed to appear simple for users and have a simple-to-use interface.

During our work on the website, the task acquired details and was transforming. The KARL STORZ team came up with the idea to create private accounts for a surgeon closed club, where they could share their knowledge by making videos.

In the medical environment, the topic of experience exchange is very relevant - any good doctor regularly attends seminars, conferences, and participates in discussions. Experienced specialists arrange lectures, masterclasses, and demonstration operations for young colleagues. So private accounts could serve as a means of broadcasting and storing educational video materials.

We liked that idea and started to inspect analogs, discuss them with the client, and gradually came to a common conclusion to make not just private accounts but an EdTech platform.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -


We designed a complex visual style, which united the presentation website and telemedicine platform into one whole system.

As a result, we created mockups for tablets, smartphones and desktops.And in order to keep the integrity of visual style, each design element was enlisted to a design-system document called GUI (graphical user interface).

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -
Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -
Maksym YakubovychCEO Goodface, Head of the project
«While creating the visual style we took into consideration modern UX/UI tendencies but strived to preserve the key traits of KARL STORZ identity».
Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

Online platform


But a true telemedicine format: any surgeon could sign up and perform surgery live! Other specialists could join to spectate, or write a comment, and communicate with the surgeon (either directly or with the help of an assistant).

It allows arranging coтcilliums where specialists could advise operating surgeon, or perform demonstrational operations to students.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

Mobile app


In addition, we designed a service center app, which made KARL STORZ equipment service much easier for medical establishments and became an extra digital infrastructure element of the brand.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

Integration & Expansion

Website development took 2,5 months and about 4 months for MVP development (minimum viable product).

That is a simple version of the product but is already valuable to consumers. In our case, viewers could only watch broadcasts at first, but some time after we added availability to comment. Then we were finalizing the platform, adding new functions, adjusting the interface taking into account the feedback from users.

A sufficient complex of works was integration of the website with the platform. In particular, it allowed newly-created events to appear on the website immediately.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

Software development
& Testing

In this project, both Back-end and Front-end were our duties. From the Front-end side, we applied adaptive web design to provide website and platform accessibility from various devices.

Separately, we paid attention to the speed and other technical parameters of the system. This important point commonly remains forgotten. If a website has bugs, search engines downgrade it’s rating, which makes promotion and marketing much more expensive and complicated.

For the managers, we created a convenient easy-to-use admin panel to manage website content. As a result, we had an event constructor which allows users to create an event of any complexity within 20-30 minutes at maximum

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -
Maksym YakubovychCEO Goodface, Head of the project
«Separately, I would like to say a few things about the ticketing system. It often happens when one person buys tickets for a group at a time. The old landing websites processed registrations for every single user 1 at a run, so the process of registration and payment had to be completed from scratch each time. And the names of the participants were written just right in the comments to the order. On the new website, we have made it much easier: now, when issuing tickets, you can immediately add the data of several participants and pay for them in one payment - by card, through the LiqPay system or by bank transfer».
Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -

The results

At the moment, we have implemented the basic functionality of an online telemedicine platform. And, nevertheless, this is a full-fledged working product - broadcasts are regularly held on the platform and new users are getting registered. Moreover, it is used by KARL STORZ branches not only from Ukraine but also from other countries worldwide.

An online platform for broadcasting medical events

The client received a communication EdTech platform for broadcasting medical events. This will enable the KARL STORZ brand to build stronger relations with consumers of its products and maintain their loyalty.

Presentation site for the educational center

The KARL STORZ Training Center has a modern, good-looking and user-friendly website that can attract visitors to events. The work of managers of the training center has been simplified: now it takes no more than 20-30 minutes to create even the most complex event, and users pay for most of the tickets online without the participation of managers.

Design of a mobile application for a service center

We developed the design of the application for the service center. It made it easier for medical facilities to maintain and repair KARL STORZ equipment and became another element of the brand's digital infrastructure.

Development of EdTech platform, website, mobile application for KARL STORZ -
Maxym YakubovychCEO Goodface, Head of the project
«We have gained unique experience and understanding of the design and development of EdTech products. The online learning space is currently on the rise. Therefore, we hope that our experience will be useful to many more companies, and we will be glad to offer cooperation».


Client review

Star -
Quality 5.0Schedule 5.0Cost 5.0Willing to refer 5.0

Goodface have an easy understanding of the topic and enough skills to work with different business and topics. Resulting in a large number of options. Experience Company, easy understandable of staff with protect idea. In result we got additional service support attended clients. Easy understandable of our products.

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