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GoodFirms Interview

Goodface іs сommitted to providing a better user experience: Max Yakubovych


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GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency

GoodFirms' research team recently interviewed Goodface Agency's CEO, Mr. Max Yakubovych. Below is an excerpt of the dialogue they had.

Goodface Agency is a well-known company that specializes in software development and design. They provide website development and UI/UX design services and have successfully delivered more than 80 projects to clients ranging from startups to large enterprises worldwide. The company was established in 2016 and is based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Their contribution to product development and design helped them become one of the top software development companies in Ukraine, according to the GoodFirms platform.

The GoodFirms team interviewed Mr. Max Yakubovych, CEO of Goodface Agency, to learn more about the company and its values.

Let's begin with the interview.

The Desire To Enhance User Experience Led Mr. Max Yakubovych To Launch The Company As A Founder And CEO

Mr. Yakubovych mentioned that Goodface has been recognized with several international awards for its excellent software development and has received positive feedback from thousands of users worldwide. The company was founded to deliver high-quality web development and design services that effectively connect with their clients' target audiences.

The company's approach is based on business analysis, design thinking, and technological advancement that produce measurable results. The experienced team has successfully delivered diverse projects worldwide.

He added that, after realizing the importance of marketing, the company shifted its focus towards improving website UX/UI to enhance clients' businesses and brand awareness.

In his role as founder and CEO, he holds the responsibility of driving business growth and maintaining the company's vision that aligns with its goals and objectives. Additionally, he ensures that the software product delivers an unparalleled digital experience by offering unmatched digital solutions.

After spending many years working in the marketing sector for various companies, he realized that often, the quality of service or product provided by a company needed to match what it presented to the audiences. This motivated him to start his own company that offers high-quality services and products that genuinely add value to its customers.

GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency

User Experience is the Secret to Software Success

Mr. Yakubovych discussed the company's in-house team, which includes software development, web development, and UX/UI design departments. Additionally, they offer an outsourcing team of specialists for projects such as 3D design or illustration.

The company stands out in the competition due to its strong expertise in design and a product-oriented approach that addresses specific user problems by implementing effective digital solutions. Their dedicated team strives to offer not only robust development and excellent design but also an exceptional user experience.

Excellent Customer Support That Brings Complete Client Satisfaction

Mr. Yakubovych mentioned that the company regularly evaluates client satisfaction levels through the NPS system. The team believes that honest communication and attentive listening during project discussions enable them to provide solutions that surpass client expectations.

After project completion, the company allocates dedicated developers and designers to support clients with new features or content. The company offers a monthly maintenance package that includes development team supervision, plugin updates, and project updates.

GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency

Here are some reviews from GoodFirms that showcase how Goodface Agency works alongside its clients.

GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency
GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency
GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency

Transparency And Honesty Are The Most Crucial When It Comes To Financial Affairs

During the interview, Mr. Yakubovych discussed how the company handles payment. There are two payment options available. The first option is the time and material payment model, which includes a Scrum cooperation model. This option charges based on the hours spent on the project over two weeks. The second payment option gives clients complete access to a dedicated team and bills them monthly for the service.

According to him, the company's budget requirements vary depending on the project, but the minimum starting cost is $10,000.

GoodFirms Interview - goodface.agency

A Glimpse Into The Company's Future For The Next Decade

Mr. Yakubovych shared his plans for the company's growth in the next ten years. Goodface is a company that specializes in software development and design. Mr. Yakubovych expressed his confidence that the company will continue to provide high-quality user experience and develop new, unique products for clients globally.

He added that the company will launch best-in-class software products through worldwide client partnerships.

You can also go through this detailed interview on GoodFirms.

About GoodFirms

Washington, D.C.-based GoodFirms is an innovative B2B Research and Reviews Company that extensively combes the market to find business services agencies amongst many other technology firms that offer the best services to their customers.

GoodFirms' extensive research process ranks the companies, boosts their online reputation, and helps service seekers pick the right technology partner that meets their business needs.

About the Author

As a Content Writer at GoodFirms, Anna Stark bridges the gap between service seekers and providers. Anna's dominant role is to figure out company achievements and critical attributes and put them into words.

She strongly believes in the charm of words and leverages new approaches that work, including new concepts that enhance the firm's identity.


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Ми не будемо передавати вашу інформацію будь-якій третій стороні поза нашою організацією, крім випадків, необхідних для виконання вашого запиту, якщо такий є.


Коли ви відвідуєте наш веб-сайт, наші сервери можуть автоматично реєструвати стандартні дані, надані вашим веб-браузером. Ці дані вважаються "неідентифікуючою інформацією", оскільки вони не ідентифікують Вас особисто. Він може включати:

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  • Час, проведений на кожній сторінці;


Ми можемо запитати особисту інформацію, таку як ваше ім’я та електронну адресу. Ці дані вважаються "ідентифікаційною інформацією", оскільки можуть особисто вас ідентифікувати. Ми вимагаємо лише особисту інформацію, яка стосується надання вам послуги, і використовуємо її лише для надання або вдосконалення цієї послуги.

Ми збираємо інформацію чесними та законними способами, з вашого відома та згоди. Ми також повідомляємо вам, чому ми збираємо його та як він буде використаний. Ви можете відмовити у нашому запиті на цю інформацію, розуміючи, що ми не можемо надати вам деякі ваші бажані послуги без неї.

Ми оброблятимемо персональні дані та спілкуватимемось з вами лише в тому випадку, якщо:

1. Ви дали нам згоду на обробку ваших персональних даних та спілкування з однією або кількома конкретними цілями, тобто запитування продуктів чи послуг у нас, завантаження матеріалів або інформації з нашого веб-сайту або подання форми для зв’язку з нами.

2. Виконання контракту

3. Де ми маємо законний інтерес для зв’язку з вами стосовно наших продуктів та послуг


Ми можемо використовувати комбінацію ідентифікуючої та неідентифікуючої інформації, щоб зрозуміти, хто наші відвідувачі, як вони користуються нашими послугами та як ми можемо покращити їх досвід роботи на нашому веб-сайті в майбутньому. Ми не розголошуємо особливості цієї інформації публічно, але можемо ділитися агрегованими та анонімними версіями цієї інформації, наприклад, у звітах про тенденції використання веб-сайтів та клієнтів.

Права та вибір:

  • Подивіться, які дані ми маємо про вас, якщо такі є;
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  • Попросіть нас видалити будь-які дані про вас;
  • Подивіться, які заходи безпеки ми застосовуємо до ваших даних;
  • Висловіть будь-яке занепокоєння щодо використання нами ваших даних;

Ви можете будь-коли відмовитися від будь-яких майбутніх контактів від нас за адресою електронної пошти, вказаної на нашому веб-сайті: goodface.agency
