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Fintech company website development: key insights for a successful launch

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Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency
Max Yakubovych
CEO & Head of design
Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency
Bohdan Zhuk
UX/UI designer

Publication date


Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency

FinTech sits at the intersection of finance and technology, where digital presence is crucial. To effectively promote or showcase your products, a robust digital platform is essential. That's exactly why your FinTech offerings need a specialized website. 

The website often shapes a client's initial impression. When clients are considering entrusting their money to you, they must view your company as reliable from the get-go.

What are the differences of a FinTech website?

A FinTech website isn't a classic B2B website; it has its own traits that require a specialized approach to both design and development.

Distinct traits of FinTech websites

Straightforward visual appearance

FinTech website designs often need to be minimalist and streamlined, enhancing their reliability and fostering trust among users. This focused approach will also help highlight the company's products, clearly delivering the necessary information about financial services.

Simplifying complex services

FinTech products and services can be complex for the average user. That's why breaking down their essence into simple terms or visualizing content using illustrations for clarity is crucial. Services need to sound clear on the website and be accessible and understandable for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Essential financial tools

Fintech websites can often feature a variety of financial tools, including value calculators, market analysis graphs, interactive charts, and analytical tools for reporting and results.

Enhanced safety

FinTech websites must handle tons of sensitive financial data, so beefing up security is a must. This means putting solid fraud protection, data encryption, and other security measures in place to keep everything safe.

Reliable support services

Effective FinTech websites must be equipped with handy customer support features like FAQs, chatbots, or help desks to answer all customers' financial questions on the fly.

Streamlined registration and demos

Many FinTech sites require registration or offer the option to try a demo. Ensuring these processes are user-friendly, straightforward, and easy to understand is essential.

Knowing the specifics of general web development for FinTech you need to understand classification. 

Here are three main types of FinTech websites:

1. A corporate website

Emphasizing corporate identity, transparency, and communication with customers.

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Project: PayTX

2. A marketing website

With a focus on orientation on search/organic or paid traffic.

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Project: Corefy

3. A site for a product presentation

Crafted to launch new products on the market and highlight their advantages.

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Project: Bill_line

Insights for effective FinTech website development 

And now let's move on to the most interesting part. We'll share some critical findings. They're time-tested with our eight-year experience in creating effective FinTech websites.

1. The discovery phase is a necessity, not a whim

Discovery is crucial - it forms the foundation of the project. This stage allows you to deeply understand business goals and user needs, setting benchmarks for success. Since different websites require different strategies, the tailored approach developed during the discovery phase can significantly cut costs and effectively target the right audience. 

By the way, you can read a detailed article about the discovery phase here at this link.

Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency
2. Establish an effective SEO structure 

Bring in a team of SEO specialists right from the get-go to establish the right SEO foundation. Heed their advice to get your site ranking well organically, cutting down on the need for paid ads. Keep tabs on using the right keywords, sprucing up technical SEO, and working on page speed optimization. Remember to monitor and update your site after launch to maintain and enhance its visibility.

Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency
3. Provide rigorous competitor analysis 

Identify prevailing market trends, common patterns, typical page elements, and page types that exist on the market. Evaluate what works and what doesn't to refine your approach. It helps to tailor the approach to the specific project.

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4. Focus on the company's core products and services 

Conduct business analysis. It involves an in-depth look at the services or products you're working with. This includes understanding all relevant details about them and the company behind them. Simultaneously, you need to conduct market research to gauge how these products or services perform with users and stack up against competitors.

5. Craft a user-centric experience 

For gaining deep insights into what users desire, expect, and struggle with user interviews are valuable. These discussions act as a direct line to crafting solutions that truly resonate with users. It's also a chance to align with the users' perspectives, understanding their world through their eyes. Another important part here is user flow. Check the info about it in the next paragraph.

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6. Ensure smooth and accessible navigation for quick access to the needed page 

Design user flows that efficiently address user needs. They outline the most efficient path to meet a user's needs. Every superfluous step is a chance for drop-off, which is why a streamlined user flow is essential for achieving the project's objectives. 

You need to conduct comprehensive audience research since a company might serve multiple audience types. Each segment experiences a unique user flow. For example, the pathway for potential clients is distinct from that for potential employees. Then you design bespoke user flows for each group, ensuring all essential pages, actions, and links are intuitive and accessible, allowing users to easily find what they need.

Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency
7. Opt for clear, concise, and structured content 

Content clarity is key. Ensure information is easy to read and understand, which enhances overall user engagement and retention. Employ design techniques that simplify and organize complex information, making it more digestible for your audience.

Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency
8. Develop a distinctive visual identity, that reflects the brand and its values 

The visual style is crucial for a website. Get it right, and you'll stand out from the competition; get it wrong, and you risk fading into the sea of generic FinTech sites. That's not what we're about. 

Start by delving deep into the brand's visual identity - think of it as the bedrock for your website's aesthetics. And then cover three crucial aspects: 

  1. diversification from competitors; 
  2. trends; 
  3. traditions of the industry.
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Project: Magnetiq Bank

9. Visualize complex information clearly 

Many FinTech subjects are difficult to understand for usual users. Utilize infographics and illustrations to break down complex financial concepts, making them accessible and engaging for all users.

Project: Corefy

10. Develop an adaptive website for any device 

Make sure your FinTech website provides a smooth experience on all devices. The user experience should be consistent, regardless of the device. Ensure your site offers uniform functionality and visual appeal across all screen sizes, from desktops to smartphones.

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Project: Bill_line

11. Engage users with motion design and micro-animations 

The goal of a perfect design isn't just to craft a stunning visual appeal for the website but also to ensure a comfortable user interaction with the interface. Aim to make the design engaging by incorporating interactive elements, 3D visuals, motion graphics, and storytelling. 

Use subtle animations to provide subtle visual cues about clickable elements and ongoing processes, enhancing usability and guiding users through their journey.

12. Maintain security 

Focus on three crucial aspects: data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring. These elements are vital for safeguarding confidential information and preventing fraud.

Insights on FinTech website development – Goodface agency - goodface.agency


There's no magic formula for a successful FinTech website, but there are certain techniques and instruments you'll definitely want to use along the way. 

First off, pinpoint your goals and map out a strategy to hit them. Understanding the specifics of websites in a particular industry is crucial too. And hey, don't hesitate to leverage the insights from this article we've gained from years of experience in the field. 

Once your website is up and running, don't just stop there - set up analytics to track user interactions. Understand how users navigate your site, identify any obstacles they face, and pinpoint where they drop off. Continuously improve these areas, because your website is a living system that thrives on constant improvement. For more in-depth information about our cases, please visit our Work page.



How long does the development of the FinTech website last?

Typically, the timeline varies based on a range of factors such as project complexity and team size. Generally, it takes anywhere from 3 to 6 months, covering discovery, design, and development phases.

What makes up a FinTech development team?

To develop an effective FinTech website, you'll need a comprehensive team to handle every stage of the design and development process. An optimal team would include a: PM/Business analyst, copywriter, UX/UI designer, graphic/motion designer, frontend developer, backend developer, QA, Dev Ops, and SEO specialists. 


You may gather your in-house team or partner with a full-service design and development agency like Goodface to secure a dedicated team for your project.

What does the step-by-step FinTech website development process look like?

Here's a breakdown of the typical stages: 

1. Business analysis; 

2. UX research; 

3. Development of an SEO specification; 

4. Information architecture and wireframing; 

5. Texts writing; 

6. Creating specifications; 

7. UI design; 

8. Full-flagged website design; 

9. Frontend and backend development; 

10. Content management; 

11. Quality Assurance; 

12. Deployment.

For more detailed information about each stage and the services we offer, please visit our Solutions for Fintech page.

What technologies are best suited for web development for FinTech?

It really depends on the project's goals. But hey, that isn't the only decisive factor for success. You can develop an effective site with low-code solutions like Webflow or use a popular CMS WordPress, or even custom technologies like React/Vue.js with Node.js/Laravel.

How much do FinTech web development services cost?

It all depends on different factors, like the working hours of experts, the number of team members, and the complexity of the project. 

Feel free to drop us a line at hi@goodface.agency, and we'll provide a detailed cost estimate for you.

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